History of the department and Cources offered

The starting of Biology course in our college dates as back as 1958 with 16 students on rolls, Dr. Adilakshmi was the first head of the department in 1960. After the Biology department was bifurcated into Botany and Zoology departments, Mrs. Chandraprabha and Adilakshmi were heads of the department respectively.

·         Mrs. R. Swarajya Lakshmi : In 1961, she became the Head of the Department. Since its inception, the department has striven to create zeal for the animal world among learners, keeping in view the significance of the subject and its relevance in higher education and the job market, the Department has been updating its curriculum on a continuous basis to include topics that are need based and of significance.

·         Dr. Marietta Pudota, former Principal, faculty of Zoology -  Received State Best Teacher Award, Bharat Jyothi Award at National level.

·         Dr.V.V.Padmavathi -  Cuuriculum upgradation and expansion of infrastructure of the department.

·         Dr.J.Satyavathi Fraser – Promoted student centered activities like assignments with power point presentations, essay writing and elocution competitions etc., and organized  1 National Seminar and  2 workshops..

·         Dr. R.Indira, organized 2 National Seminars and 3 Workshops, completed 2 MRPs, received Young Scientist Award from ANU in 2006 and W.G.Dt. level Best performance Award-2013 and 2014, Best Teacher in Zoology from CCE, A.P, Hyderabad. Equipped the department with latest technologies like Virtual Labs.

·         All the members are actively involved in various research activities. There are five Ph.D s and four M.Phils in department.

·         The department has association with a number of local Government bodies like District Animal Welfare Society, Animal Husbandry department, APPCB, Dept. of Sericulture, State fisheries department, Forest department, DM&HO, Hospitals like Dist HQ Hospital, ASRAM Hospital, Venus Aqua lab, Deepak Nexgen Feed Company and many other organizations, undertakes many community Extension programmes, project works, Knowledge extension programmes with the Head of the Department coordinating many activities that are multidimensional in quality and skill oriented. 
   Courses Offered: 

·         B.Sc-BZC,
·         B.Sc-ZNC,
·         B.Vocational-Clinical and Aqua Lab Technology

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